Miscellaneous Species

Bird lengths are listed as Millimeters (mm) or Centimeters (cm) - use the following formulas to convert to inches:
1 mm = 0.04"         1 cm = .3937"
mm X .04 = inches           cm X .3937 = inches

Western Crowned Pigeon Comoro Blue Pigeon Cloven-feathered Dove
Southern Crowned Pigeon Madagascar Blue Pigeon New Zealand Pigeon
Victoria Crowned Pigeon Mauritius Blue Pigeon Topknot Pigeon
Solomon Island Crowned Pigeon Seychelles Blue Pigeon Tooth-billed Pigeon
Dodo Bird Blue Pigeon Article Sombre Pigeon

Information on the different species compiled from the known references for the dove/pigeon species.

IDS thanks the following persons/Institutions for sharing their pictures: Dr. Luis Baptista, Paul Bolden, California Academy of Sciences, Jeff Downing, Jack Eitner, Jacob Hadomi, Charles Hibbert, John House, Crimson Lam, Garrie Landry, Sharron K Miles, National Geographic Society, Monte Nord, Joe Passintino, John Pire, John Quatro (permission by Juan Torres), Angel Teruel, TFH Publications

Seed Eating Species Table Directory Fruit Eating Species