Breeder Cages - Doves

John Pire
These breeder cages are 18" X 18"  X 24" deep. Used solely for Ringneck pairs for fostering. Water system is 1" PVC pipe with 1" elbow for drinking cups. Up to 2" elbows can be used as the cup which extends inside the cage. Automatic solenoid valves can be installed to make it automatic filling at set times determined by the fancier. It is also possible to utilize the automatic valves for draining the system before filling it automatically.

pic John Fowler
John Fowler's breeder cages are a great example of a 4 compartment breeding unit. Each individual cage measuring 24" deep by 18" wide by 24" high. The overall measurement of the 4 cage unit is 36" wide (long) by 48" high by 24" deep. John uses the half gallon milk containers for feed, outside "pop bottle" waterers, cardboard nests & the small yellow cups hold the grit. John cuts a "slit" in the milk carton to to attach it to the cage wire. The cardboard nests are of Dr Miller's design & instructions can be found using this link. 

John Pire
This breeder cage is ok for Diamond Doves. It measures 18" X 18" X 30". I flip the plastic tray upside down & fill with sand/gravel. I cut the included perches to fit across the width on the cage & place them as far apart as possible. I also covered the tops & three sides if this type cage was hung inside a walk in flight. If cages are set up next to each other whether indoors or outdoors placing a solid partition between the cages cuts down on the neighboring male interactions towards each other.

Tip & Info Page Aviaries More Cage Pics Waterers
Luis Matos's Indoor Cage - Simple Weekend Project Elaine's Simple Indoor Aviary - Another Great Weekend Project
Jeff Downing's Simple Aviary Indoor Aviaries Hospital/Brooder Units

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