Here are some articles and information which deal with the genetics of the Ringneck Dove (Streptopelia risoria). These are not all encompassing but try to supply information to the interested fancier who wants to know what will be hatched when breeding one color to another color. With the expert advice of Dr Miller, Gene Hochlan and John Fowler this information is made possible.
Dr Miller's web can be accessed thru the IDS LINKS page.
Dr Miller's ADA Presentation on Genetics - an easy way to understand the genetics
Ringneck History (J Pire)
Understanding Some Basic Ringneck Genetics (J. Pire) - ADA article
Ringneck Genetics for the Beginner (J. Fowler) Excellent articles for the beginner & expert. Click on any of the LINKS below for John's articles.
Definitions | Sex Linked Genes | Autosomal Genes | Prediction Method |
Albino Ringnecks - John Fowler 2002 ADA Article
Dr Miller's "sex-linked" Chart for White & Blond (fawn)
Articles TOC (table of contents)