in Art and Museum Specimens
56 different Picts of the Passenger Pigeon the list grows !
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Above, My Favorite Passenger Pigeon Print
An adult male
(Some of you have asked if any of these prints are for sale, so I now have a list of those that I have Duplicate Prints, etc. for sale)
- My Second Favorite Passenger Pigeon Print, a female, (These two plates are from Vol. 3. ©1919 Evolution in Pigeons by Whitman 1919)
- My 3rd most favorite is below and the rarest print I own! "Pigeón de passáge" by Mark Catesby 1771 (this is one of the earliest Passenger Pigeon paintings known)
- The most famous Print of all The Passenger Pigeon by J. Audubon
- Male Passenger Pigeon in an Audubon Society Leaflet
- Passenger Pigeon print from 1835 (Edward Lear)
- Wild Pigeon and Mourning Dove © 1890 artist unknown
1843 Fauna of New York by DeKay, Dove and Passenger Pigeon
- Birds of Florida Plate #33 by George Sutton of Pigeons found in Florida, sent in by Jim Forrest of Ontario, Canada
Pair of Pigeons from a Painting by Ron Lockart sent in by Jim Forrest
- Childs puzzle of Passenger Pigeon from late 1800's or early 1900's
Painting of Passenger Pigeon pair from Life of the Pigeon by Alexander Skutch, sent in by Jim Forrest.
Plate #40 Pigeon from Birds of Wisconsin, 1964 by Owen J. Gromme
Plate 5 From Vanishing Birds,1978 by Tim Halliday
"The Passenger Pigeon" 1973 reissue of 1955 by A.W. Schorger
Plate 48 from Richard Pough's Audubon Bird Guide-1953 combined edition) artist is Don Eckelberry
American Woodman April 1953 issue, print by Leon L. Pray
- Plate LVII- from "A History of North American Birds" 1905,3 Volumes,3rd edition by S. Baird,T.M. Brewer, and R.Ridgway( Pigeon plates are done by Robert Ridgway.
- Passenger Pigeon from life painting from Birds that Hunt and are Hunted 1898
- Pigeons in Doomsday Book of Animals by Tim Bramfitt
- Passenger Pigeon & Warblers by Alexander Wilson, from American Ornithology
- A. Wilson American Ornithology, Second similar Print from 1829
- Magazine ad from 1950's by Travelers Insurance Co. of Passenger Pigeons
- Pair by Louis A. Fuertes 1906 from Mershon The Passenger Pigeon
- Another Fuertes Passenger Pigeon (Birds of New York)
- Yet another one by Fuertes of the Passenger Pigeon and Dove
- One more by Fuertes of a Pair of Pigeons
- Passenger Pigeons by Weber Wildlife Conservation Stamp Album 1946
Passenger Pigeons by Roger Tory Peterson
- A painting of a Passenger Pigeon & Mourning dove artist unknown
- Passenger Pigeon & Dove by Allen Brooks 1934 Nat.Geo.Soc.
- Passenger Pigeon by Allen Brooks From the era of split rail fences. now in Royal Ontario Museum,Toronto.
- Passenger Pigeons by Studer late 1800's
- Passenger Pigeon male by Morris ca. 1885
- Passenger Pigeon & Dove from Birds of Minnesota by Jacques
- Distant Thunder by Owen Gromme of Wisconsin
- Painting of Pigeon by John Ruthven of OH. ca. 1974 plus closeup of same
- Pigeons in Winter plus close up of Passenger Pigeons
- New Painting of Passenger Pigeons in Guide to Pigeon and Doves © 2001
- Recent Painting (1996) from East Coast artist. Group of Passenger Pigeons
- Painting of Pair of Passenger Pigeons w/ chick, artist unknown
- Passenger Pigeon family in Canadian Audubon Magazine by Lansdowne
- Modern Passenger Pigeon painting by C. Harper, from Ford Times Magazine
- New Passenger Pigeon painting from unknown Canadian Artist
- A large painting of Passenger Pigeons by Hagerbaum. Framed print
- A spectacular painting of a Passenger Pigeon Hybrid with a Common Ringneck dove from Charles Otis Whitman on Evolution of Pigeons.
- Currier & Ives print Shooting Passenger Pigeons from the 1850's (Abraham Lincolns picture was on the page opposite this one!)
- Passenger Pigeon in a children's book circa 1900
- First Day Cover of Passenger Pigeon by R Tory Peterson
- Passenger Pigeon & Dove Tobacco Card by Frank C. Hennesey. Between 1914 and 1919
Passenger Pigeons on Stamps
- Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Bird Cards from the late 1800's to 1906
- A complete Set of Soda Passenger Pigeon Cards
- Audubon style Soda Passenger Pigeon Cards
- A Large Merchant Card advertising the above smaller cards
If you know the true artist of any unidentified paintings above please let me know who they are!
Sculptures, Carvings and Decoys
- A rare Passenger Pigeon Porcelain Sculpture from the 1940's
- A scrimshaw carving of a Passenger Pigeon.
- Modern wooden Passenger Pigeon Decoy
- Hand painted Passenger Pigeon Pair
- New Passenger Pigeon Decoy carver unknown
- A Bob Guge Passenger Pigeon decoy which recently sold on Ebay.
- Another Passenger Pigeon Decoy by Wayne Boblenz
- "Herters" Passenger Pigeon Decoy, A very famous style decoy, now a higly collectible piece!
- A pair of passenger pigeon decoys made by Harold Haertel sold over the high estimate at $38,500. They sold at Guyette & Schmidt's recent decoy auction.
- An very rare Passenger Pigeon carving by Charles "Shang" Wheeler of Stratford, Connecticut (ca. 1900).
- A recent carving of the Passenger Pigeon
- Another recent Decoy Carving of a Passenger Pigeon
- A beautiful carving of a Passenger Pigeon done by "Caril Chasens"
A carving in progress that I commissioned of A Passenger Pigeon by award winning carver Yaoming Li of New York.
#1 First stage of the carving,
#2 Second stage of the carving,
#3 Third stage, Please comeback to see final bird once it is mounted on its display.
#4 Final Pose of My commissioned Carving:
- An authentic Indian Effigy Pipe of a Passenger Pigeon, found in Tennessee
- Alfred Meakin plates from the Audubon series , etc.
- Ski Country Passenger Pigeon collectible whiskey decanter
Duplicate prints, books and other collectible
Real Specimens in other Collections
- "Real" Passenger Pigeons in Saloon museum in San Antonio Tx, sent in by Hugh Nixon
- A Male Passenger Pigeon in a Denver Museum
- Male Passenger Pigeon in Grey County Ontario Canada Museum
Another superb male specimen from same Museum
- Another Passenger Pigeon male (Museum collection)
- A pair of Pigeons in a Museum collection
- A superb closeup of a PP male at the Smithsonian in DC
- A beautiful Pair of Passenger Pigeons in Pember Museum in Canada.
- Series of Passenger Pigeon specimen closeups from Florida Museum taken by Stephanie Sparkman -- -- #1 (male) -- #2(female) -- #3 -- #4 (males head) -- #5 (male) -- #6 -- #7 (females head)
- Stereoview Card of Passenger Pigeons from 1887. Duplicates for sale
- Another Pair of Passenger Pigeons in a Private collection
- Pair in Smithsonian Museum, Washington DC
- Pair in unknown museum display, with flared tail on female
- A Passenger Pigeon in Rome Museum sent in by Ivano P. -Italy
- This Passenger Pigeon Male specimen is currently for sale by current owner. Here is another view of it. Asking price is $200,000 for this pair and 14 other antique mounts in glass cases from a famous collection in Wisconsin.
- Group of Passenger Pigeon mounts featured on a old post card
- A male Pigeon from the State Museum of Conservation in Missouri
- A male Passenger Pigeon in private collection currently for sale by owner, asking price: more $ than you'll want to part with.
More Passenger Pigeon photos and artwork will be included as I discover them!!
**I would like to develop a complete archive of prints and images that depict the Passenger Pigeon, if you know of any that do not have represented here, PLEASE let me know!
To listen to John Herald's beautiful song about
Martha, Last of the Passenger Pigeons! Click Here
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