Long-tailed Ground Dove
Uropelia campestris

AKA: Mauve-spotted Ground Dove, Azure-spotted Ground Dove

©Arthur Grosset

©Arthur Grosset

©Arthur Grosset

Distribution: Found in the humid forests to open semi arid habitats near water sources in central Brazil, eastern lowland Bolivia; a population occurs from the campos in Amapa & northern Para on the island of Marajo to western Maranhao.

Races: two races recognized: 
U. c. campestris (Spix 1825), estuarine region of the Amazon in Amapa, Isla Marajo, Maranhao, Piaui south to Minas Gerais.
U. c. figginisi (Oberholser 1931), eastern Bolivia east through east central Brazil to Para & Bahia.

Description: Length 16-17 cm. A dimorphic species. Male: forehead & crown bluish grey graduating to olive brown on the nape & hindneck pinkish. Two iridescent purple & black, white bordered bands on wing shields formed on the median & great coverts. A row of large black or purple & black spots on outer webs of inner secondaries. Underwing black & white. Throat, sides of neck & breast pale mauve pink shading to white on belly & undertail coverts. Long central tail feathers drab brown outer tail feathers black with broad white tips. Iris bluish grey or light blue, eye cere yellow or orange yellow. Bill black, legs & feet yellow or orange yellow.  Female: generally duller & more ashy grey brown above & paler pinkish below with no vinous suffusion. Forehead fawn brown shading to grey olive brown on hindneck, mantle & back. Juvenile: considerably duller & grey overall, mantle, scapulars & wing shield have buff edges.
