aka: Sulawesi Ground Dove
John Pire
The pictures here represent a possible sexual dimorphism between males and females. This difference may or may not hold true for every pair of this beautiful specie. It is hoped that if you have this specie of dove/pigeon that you take the time to observe the pair. Because the sexes are quite similar to each other the use of S/S, DNA or Chromosome Sexing should be opted for to ensure you obtain a true male & female. This visual "tip" can be helpful.
I had three pair of the Celebes Quail Doves in my exotic dove/pigeon collection; each bird had been either surgically sexed (S/S) or Chromosome Sexed. I raised 4 young from the two older pair, the third pair consisted of unrelated young raised from the first two pair. I started to notice that there was a difference in the neck patches of the sexed birds. I found that all the females had a much more "triangular" shaped neck patch when compared to the male's neck patch. These pictures represent the best pictures which show these differences.
I wish to thank the friends who have shared these photos with IDS and the interested fancier.