African Olive Pigeon
Columba arquatrix
AKA: Rameron Pigeon, Yellow-eyed Pigeon, Speckled Wood Pigeon
©Crimson Lam
©Jacob Hadomi
March 1,
©Jacob Hadomi
March 9, 2002
©Monte Nord
Distribution: Inhabits the canopy of the primary & secondary evergreen forests of Eastern Africa form Ethiopia, Southern Sudan, Uganda and eastern Belgian Congo to Angola & South Africa. Has been found in the coastal forests, also adapted to the exotic forestry plantations of pine and eucalyptus of South Africa.
Description: (Temminck 1809) Length 38-41 cm. The pictures here depict the species quite well.
Females are similar to the male but duller. See pictures showing differences of
the sexes.
Nesting: Usually a single white egg (2 egg clutches recorded); incubation 16 days, fledging in about 20 days. Independent in about another ten days.