
©John Pire

©John Pire

©John Pire                                                                                      ©Robin Russell

The Inheritance of the "Tufted"
John  Fowler - 2002
(ongoing research)

The "tufted" gene is more than likely a dominant gene with reduced penetrance and variable expression.  There is a quite a variation in the expression of this allele. Dr Miller has data showing a pair of tufted producing 15 tufted offspring as if homozygous.  And then one of that pair producing 3 normal and one tufted when paired with another mate.  Another non-heterozygous tufted has
produced nineteen young -- 18 normal and 1 tufted.

The "tuft" can be variable from bird to bird; the bird in the center picture barely shows a "tuft" on the forehead; it is more of a "bump". This male's mate was the bird in the top right picture. The young bird in the bottom left below the male is the last young the pair raised. The picture on the "tufted young" page are the first two young raised by the pair. (J. Pire)

This mutation can be produced in any known Ringneck colors. The genetic symbol (Tf) has been voted upon & approved the the ADA Board 10/2005. This symbol shows partial dominance.

Single Mutants                                      Crested                                    Tufted Young