Amanita, Amarylis, Ardisia plants (berries of Arum Lily), Asparagus berries ornamental, Australian Flametree, Autumn Crocus, Avacodo (Bark, Leaves, Seeds, & Skin of Fruit), Balsam Pear, Baneberry, Bean Plants (Castor, Horse, Fava, Broad, Glory) [as with MANY vegetable PLANTS], Bird of Paradise (White Flower, too), Bishop’s Weed, Bittersweet Nightshade, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Blue Bonnet, Blue-Green Algae, Boxwood, Brugmansia, members of the family formerly Datura, Buckthorn, Bulb Flowers (Amaryllis, Daffodil, Narcissus, Hyacinth, & Iris), Burdock, Buttercup, Cacao, Caladium, Calla Lily, Camel Bush, Cana Lily, Cardinal Flower, Castor Oil Plant, Chalice (Trumpet Vine), Cherry Tree (bark, twigs, leaves, & pits), China Berry Tree, Chinese Primrose, Chocolate, Christ’s Thorn, Christmas Candle, Clematis (Virginia Bower), Cocklebur, Coffee Bean (Senna)(Rattle-Bush, Rattle Box, & Coffeeweed), Coral Plants (Nightshade family all members such as choral bush), Coriander, Corncockle, Cowslip, Coyotillo, Crotalaria, Croton (Codiaeum variegtum), Cutleaf Philodendron, Cyclamen, Daphne, Datura, Deadly Amanita (mushroom), Death Camus, Delphinium, Dieffenbachia (all species), Dutchmanas Breeches, Egg Plant, Elderberry, Elephant Ear (Taro), Ergot, Eucalyptus Dried, Dyed or Treated in Floral Arrangements, Euonymus (Spindle Tree), Evergreen Trees, False Hellebore, Felt Plant (Maternity, Air & Panda Plants), Fern (Bracken), Fire Thorn, Flame Tree, Floral Arrangements, Fly Agaric Mushrooms, Four O’ Clock, Foxglove, Glottidium, Golden Chain, Grass (Johnson, Sorghum, Sudan, & Broom Corn), Ground Cherry, Hack-In-The-Pulpit, Heaths (Kalmia, Peires, Rododendron, Mountain Laurel, Black Laurel, Andromeda, & Azalea), Heliotrope, Hemlock (Poison & Water), Henbane, Holly (English), Honeysuckle, Horse Chestnut, Horse Tail, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Indian Turnip, Ivy (Devil’s, English, & others), Jack-In-The-Pulpit, Jasmine (Jessamine), Java Beans, Jimsonweed, Juniper, Ky. Coffee Tree, Lantana, Larkspur, Lily Family (Particularly Gloriosa, the flora lily, & Arum), Lily of the Valley, Locoweed (Milk Vetch), Locusts (Black & Honey), Lords & Ladies (Cuckoopint), Lupine, Madagascar Palm (Pachypodium), Madagascar periwinkle old Maid (Catharanthus), Malanga, Marijuana (Hemp), Mayapple (Mandrake), Mescal Bean, Mexican Breadfruit, Mexican Poppy, Milkweed (Cotton Bush), Meadow Saffron, Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Monkshood, Moonseed, Morning Glory, Mushrooms, Narcissus, Nettles, Nightshades (Deadly, Black Garden, Woody, Bittersweet, Eggplant, Jerusalem, & Cherry), Nutmeg, Oak, Oleander, Parsley, Periwinkle (Vinca minor), Philodendrons (Split Leaf & Swiss Cheese), Pigweed, Poinciana, Poinsettia, Poison Ivy, Poison Nut (Strychnos nux-vomica), Poison Oak (Western & Eastern), Pokeweed, Potato (New Shoots), Privet, Pyracantha, Rain Tree, Ranunculus (Buttercup), Rape, Rattlebox, Red Maple, Rhubarb Leaves, Rosary Peas, Sand Box Tree, Scarlet Runner, Mescal, Precatory Navy, Skunk Cabbage, Snow Drop (Orithogalum umbellatum), Snow Flake, Sorrel (Dock), Spurges (Pencil Tree, Snow-On Mountain (Euphorbia marginata), Candelabra, Crown of Thorns), Sweet Pea, Tansy Ragwort, Tobacco, Tropical House Plants (all members, whose leaves are prinkled with whitish or yellowish spots), Vetch (Hairy/Common), Virginia Creepers, Water Hemlock, Wattle, Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa), White Cedar Chinese, Wisteria, Yam Bean, Yellow Jasmine, Yew (American, English, Western, Chinese, & Japanese)
The following plants are actually not poisonous, but secrete substances that irritate the mucous membranes and can be harmful to some birds, including Parakeets: Ivy, Monstera deliciosa, Flamingo Flower, Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale), Agalomema, Philodendrons, and Scheffera. Avoid: Birds can injure their eyes on Cactus and other plants with thorns or spines.
BIRD SAFETY GUIDE TO BRANCHES, PLANTS, & POISONS - Materials used in aviaries are not safe if toxic chemicals or insecticides have been sprayed on them. Before installing in any cage, scrub all branches with a non-toxic disinfectant (such as diluted chlorine bleach) then rinse and drain well.
Aarbustus, Abelia, Acacia Aloe, African Daisy, African Violet, Aloe, Aluminum Plant, Aralia, Areca, Aspen, Aspidistra, Baby’s Breathe, Baby’s Tears, Bamboo, Begonia, Bouginvillea, Chickweed, Christmas Cactus, Cissus (Kangaroo Vine), Coleus, Corn Plant, Crabapple, Dandelion, Date, Dill, Dogwood, Donkeytail, Dracaena varieties, Ferns (Asparagus, Bird’s Nest, Boston & Maidenhair), Figs (Creeping, Rubber, Fiddle Leaf, Laurel Leaf, & Weeping), Gardenia, Garlic, Gloxinia, Grape Ivy, Grape Vine, Hen & Chickens, Impatients, Jade Plants, Kalanchoe, Lilac, Magnolia, Marigold, Monkey Plant, Mother-in-Law’s-Tongue, Nasturtium, Natal Plum, Norfolk Island Pine, Palms (Areca, Date, Fan, Lady, Parlour, Howeia, Kentia, Phoenix, & Sago), Parsley, Peperomia, Peppermint, Pepperomia, Petunia, Phoenix sago, Psittosporom, Pothos, Prayer Plant, Purple Passion (Velvet Nettle), Rubber Plant, Scheffera (Umbrella), Sensitive Plant, Spider Plant, Swedish Ivy (I would suggest no spotted variety), Thistle, Wandering Jew, White Clover, Zebra Plant.
Apple, Ash, Almond, Apricot, Peach, Plum, Prune, Nectarine, Any Citrus, Dogwood, Elm, Guava, Papaya, Pear, Madrone, Magnolia, Nut (Except Chestnut & Oak), Vine Maple, Willows (Goat, Pussy, Weeping), Thurlow.
Many household substances and plants are toxic to birds. A pet bird can be poisoned either through inhaling or through ingesting a toxic substance. Airborne toxins include aerosol sprays (i.e., insect repellent, hairspray), cleaning products, toxic glues, overheated nonstick-coated appliances, smoke, etc. Commonly ingested poisons can include, but are not limited to, toxic plants (i.e., bulb plants, azaleas, holly, English Ivy, etc.), items that contain lead (i.e., solder, old paint, leaded glass or framed doors/windows, fishing weights, costume jewelry, antiques, etc.), household cleaners, perfume, mothballs, weed killer, silver/brass polish, etc.
Alcoholic Drinks, Ammonia, Ant Syrup or Paste, Antifreeze, Arsenic, Asbestos, Auto Products, Bathroom Cleaners, Bleach, Boric Acid, Camphophenique, Carbon Monoxide, Carbonated Drinks, Charcoal Fluids, Chlordane, Chlorine, Cigarette Smoke, Clinitest Tablets, Copper/Brass Cleaner, Corn & Wart Remover, Deodorants, Detergents, Diazon, Disinfectants, Drain Cleaners, Epoxy Glue,Drain Cleaners, Fabreeze, Felt Tip Markers, Flea Products, Floor Polish, Formaldehyde, Furniture Polish, Garden Sprays, Gasoline, Gun Cleaners, Hair Dyes & Sprays, Herbicides, Insecticides, Iodine, Kerosene, Lighter Fluid, Lye, Matches, Model Cement, Moth Balls, Mushrooms, Nail Polish Remover, Nitrogen Dioxide, Oven Cleaners, Over-heated Non-Stick Cookware (Teflon), Paint, Paint Thinner, Perfume, Permanents (Hair), Pesticides, Phot Solutions, Pint Oil, Poisonous Plants, Rodenicides, Rubbing Alcohol, Rx Drugs, Shaving Lotion, Shellac, Shoe Polish, Silver Polish, Snail Bait, Solvents, Spot Remover, Spray Starch, Strychnine, Sulfuric Acid, Suntan Lotions/Oils, Super Glue, Surgical Acrylics, Turpentine, Wax, Weed Killers, Window Cleaners, Wood Preservatives.
Daphne Berries, Rhododendron Leaves, Azalea Leaves, English Ivy Berries & Leaves, Oleander Leaves & Branches, Yellow Be-Still Tree Nectar of Blossoms, Yellow Oleander Leaves, branches, nectar of blossoms.
Lily-of-the-Valley Leaves & Flowers, Delphinium, Iris Bulb All Parts, Monkshood Leaves & Roots, Purple Foxglove Leaves.
Jack-in-the-Pulpit (All parts), Vegetable Garden Plants, Black Locust (Bark, Sprouts, & Foliage), Yew (Needles & Seeds).
Jimsonweed (Leaves & Seeds), Nightshade (Unripe berries & Leaves).
Holly Berries, Jerusalem Cherry Berries, Mistletoe Berries, Poinsettia (Leaves & Flowers).
NOTE: Wild mushrooms can also be poisonous. It requires an expert to differentiate between poisonous and non-poisonous wild mushrooms. They grow in gardens, lawns, and wooded areas. Any wild mushrooms should be considered poisonous until proven otherwise.
POISONING IS VERY SERIOUS. The poisoned bird may vomit, have difficulty breathing, have a seizure or fall into a comma. If your bird has gotten a poisonous substance into its eyes, wash it out immediately with slightly warm water. If the birds skin has been in contact with a toxic substance, flush it with large amounts of water. Call your veterinarian immediately to let him know you are on your way in with a poisoned bird. Since the bird may go into shock, keep it quiet and calm until you reach the vets office. If your vet is not available, call your local poison control center for assistance on dealing with your bird.
1. Remove the poison to prevent further ingestion.
2. Keep the bird quiet and warm.
3. Get immediate veterinary care.
4. Bring a sample of the suspected poison, any vomit, along with the most recent droppings.
If no veterinary care is immediately available, the bird is conscious, and you are sure that the poison was ingested and not just played with, the following medication can be given to coat the digestive tract and help prevent absorption of the poison.
-Raw egg white mixed with Kaopectate or Pepto-Bismol
-Activated charcoal mixed with a few drops of mineral oil and enough water to give it a pasty consistency
NOTE: These can be given (dosage for a cockatiel would be 1-2 cc (1/5 to 2/5 tsp.) slowly with a plastic eye dropper or may have to force feed with a tube.
If any problems are encountered with the administration, STOP immediately. POISON CONTROL HOTLINE 1-800-548-2423 - There is a $30.00 charge per incident or 1-900-680-0000 and there is a $20.00 charge to your phone bill for the first minute and $2.95 for each additional minute. It is a little expensive but sometimes it is worth it.
Courtesy of Keith D. D. You can visit Keith's web site at: