Home-made & Store Bought

Pet dove feeder made out of a Tomato keeper from the Container Store.
Sits on the bottom of cage or you can hang it up.

4 openings; easy clean; snaps shut. Keeps birds from soiling seed, and helps keep seed in feeder


My name is Cher I wanted to share my homemade pet dove feeders (above 2 pictures) I made out of a tomato keeper. The birds cannot soil the seed nor sit in the feeder it is easy to fill and to keep clean. It also helps keep the seed in the keeper better than anything I have ever bought in a store for my pet birds. The container comes from the Container Store and is cheap to buy only a couple of dollars. The birds can get to the seed from all directions as there are four openings. My birds are indoor doves this can also work outside easy and you can also make one with a larger keeper for more birds. It can also be hung up for other birds besides using it for doves. 


Covered Crock Feeders                ©Michael Pierce                Covered Treat Cups
The ceramic covered crocks can be purchased at many pet web sites (several are listed here)
(www.arcatapet.com  -   www.pets-warehouse.com  -  www.drsfostersmith.com)
The covered rectangular cups are available from Global Pigeon supplies (www.globalpigeon.com)

©John House

These three pictures show how the containers are cut & used for feeding the doves. The larger containers are for use with Ringnecks & other similar sized or larger Doves. The smaller containers are used for the Diamond Doves & other small Doves. As with any open top feed or water container: place these types of containers far enough away from each other & from under any perches - doing so will help in keeping the birds from defecating into the seed thru the opening.

©John House

©J Pire
Typical Store Bought seed Cups/Containers

©Travis Barta
Feeders made from salsa bottles

©J Pire
Chick Feeder


One gallon & 1/2 gallon plastic milk containers      ©J Pire        Quart jar "chick" feeder

The plastic milk containers are cut out as seen & if placed in a breeder cage a wire hanger is fashioned from a piece of a clothes hanger. The gallon containers are usually placed on a 12" square concrete stepping stone on the floor of the aviaries. The "pie" tin under the chick feeder catches the seed as the doves "swish" it from side to side looking for their favorite seed. Wasted seed is controlled much better with both types. The size of the holes in the gallon container are made by cutting out the circular areas (as seen on the jug in the middle). Cutting them as shown allows for an escape if a bird gets inside & tips the container on the side. The half gallon is cut as shown because this is used in the breeder cages. The hole is only big enough to allow the bird's head to fit in. If the hole is cut large enough where the bird can get inside there is a chance the bird can panic when it discovers it is trapped & become injured & possibly die.

A good practice with homemade feed containers that are a standup type - you should fasten some sort of fastening wire or hanger to keep the container from falling over.

If you have any ideas or use other types of feeders for your birds or have ideas or plans for simple to make feeders & want to share them with other fanciers please contact me at the email listed. IDS8381@aol.com

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