Tangerine Lacenecks
This project was started in June 2002. It was an off shoot from the Tangerine Senegal Project I worked on in 2000.
The idea is to produce Tangerine, Orange, Pearled & Blond colored Laceneck Doves & distribute them to other interested fanciers. Using the knowledge I gained in the Tangerine Senegal Project I set to work. FYI: voice, color & pattern variations do occur in the F1, F2 & possibly F3 hybrids. Usually these facets are combinations of the two original parents & choosing the best offspring for the desired species should be done.
As in the Senegals project I knew the male F1 hybrids also carried the "dilute gene" from the Ringneck Orange Pearled hen parent hidden. The orange color is the "dilute" of Tangerine & "dilute" is a sex-linked recessive gene. Thus producing a F2 Blond & Orange Laceneck hybrid was possible. I have yet to produce any F2 youngster. I have shared some F1 males with a breeder in hopes he can get them paired with pure Laceneck hens & the project can get to the second stage. In Feb 2006 I checked with my friend on his progress so far; he informed me he had his first fertile egg. So, hopefully the project can now proceed to the next level.
I currently have a single male Laceneck to utilize & have him paired with one of the F1 hen hybrids. This pair produced a single fertile egg in early 2005, but as luck goes, it was knocked from the nest & broke. I have them in a flight by themselves & hope they produce fertile eggs in 2006. The other three F1 Tangerine hybrid hens have been tested with male ringnecks & so far no fertile eggs have been produced.
The pictures below show these F1 youngsters. I have also included a picture of a F1 Wild Colored Hybrid & the Tangerine Colored Laceneck photographed in a Belgium aviary.
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