Plum Greenwing

These pictures show the most recent mutation in Greenwing Doves. This color mutant is very rare; only three fanciers are known to have them. As this mutation is worked with more will be known about it. Right now it is believed to be a simple recessive. I was lucky enough to have obtained two pairs of this mutation in 2006, from two different sources. I have set up both pairs (the visual male & a split hen & the visual Plum hen & her split mate). As of today (3-2-2007) I have eggs pipping from the visual Plum hen & her split mate; the visual Plum male & his split mate just laid their clutch. Hopefully this mutation can be propagated, visual & split, to keep this beautiful mutation going in captivity.

Click on the "thumbnails" to see the larger picture

Some of the pictures below are from a CD of pictures sent to me by the breeder this beautiful mutant. The coloration is somewhat dulled, but as birds produced within my collection I will take more pictures; hatchlings, juvenile plumage & adult coloration. The visual Plum hen & her split mate were obtained from R. Russell. I have taken a couple of pictures showing the tail feathers of the Plum hen & the visual facets I noticed in the split male mate. As more splits are raised & documented these facets maybe an indication of the gene being hidden.

note "plum flecking"
Coloration: a rich vibrant PLUM coloration on back & wing shields

The bird in the four pictures below are of a "male" Plum Greenwing Dove, courtesy of EIA. This visual male & the split hen were in juvenile plumage when I obtained them from the owner. The split hen looks just like a visual normal Greenwing Dove hen. I have not noted any minute visual facets which may indicate she is split to Plum as I have found in the split plum male. The different  "plum" coloration is due to the lightning within the flights.

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GreenWing Colors