Fr//+ ry//ry

ŠJohn Fowler

ŠJohn Fowler

The body of this bird is the color of a chocolate malt (dull brown). It has a light violet head and breast. The flights & mid feathers are grizzled (frosted). It has a black neck ring. It resembles a faded Rosy. The color appears lighter towards the tail. Roan is a "Frosty Rosy". Bill color can be varied as in Rosy. Iris coloration may be similar to Rosy or affected by the "frosty" gene.

ŠJohn Pire
Topside & Undertail of Tail Feathers

ŠJohn Pire
Open Wing showing the slightly visible "grizzle" of frosty.
Due to the very light colored flights, I am not 100% positive this bird is the Roan or if it is a Peach Frosty (Sunkist).

Combination Colors