(formerly known as Dark Ivory)

©John Pire

This bird has a light brownish to gray body, wing and tail color. The head, neck and breast are white or off white. The neck ring is charcoal to black. Has bleached tail bar. Bill is light with dark tip. Ivory has a "mottled iris" in all combinations. Hatchlings typically have dark colored eye balls under the skin. When Ivory is combined with other colors & is visible the head, throat, chest and belly areas are white. This mutant was the first one found & described, here in the US & in Italy, but on the "blond" background. The Ivory on the D+ (wild type) background was described much later. Breeding this phase of Ivory to Wild Type & re-extracting it you will get what is known in Europe as Argentč or the Dark Ivory. Very few US fanciers propagate the dark phase of Ivory.

©John Pire

Mottled Iris

Single Mutants