Frosty ID Features
The following information is taken from the Frosty & Blond or Light Frosty, juvenile & adult. There is a "grizzling" or 'frosted" effect in juvenile plumage & sometimes may be reduced in adult plumage; the "bill stripe" can also be variable - top stripe, thin or thick stripe, side stripe or no stripe but having a whitish bill tip; there may or may not be more whitish coloring in the tail feathers. The "frosty gene" also many times produces small whitish patches around the head or across the upper back or elsewhere on the body. The "frosty gene" is a co-dominate & cannot be hidden or carried, it is always visible. The "grizzling" will be visible in all combinations with the "frosty" gene to some degree, except in the Snow White or combinations having very light or white flights & tails feathers.
ŠJohn Pire
The above picture shows the hatching hair
difference for a Blond Frosty (L) & a Blond (R). The Blond Frosty is 2 days old
& the Blond is 1 day old. Note the whitish color of the hatching hair in the
Blond Frosty; this whitish color is typical for "frosty" hatchlings.
The picture below shows the "white spotting" that may be visible in the
head area on an any Frosty or "frosty combination". For more pictures showing the "frosty features" go to
the Frosty & Blond Frosty pages.
ŠJohn Pire
ŠJohn Pire
The above picture shows "body spotting" due to the frosty gene. Also you
can see some "grizzling" in the tail coverts & tail feathers. The white tips of
the tail feathers are not increased much, but sometimes this white area is
increased more due to the frosty gene (sometimes more then half the feather
length or possibly the entire length).
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