Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon
Columba torringtoni



This pigeon has a small, declining, population and range, which is also severely fragmented, as a result of the destruction of hill and montane forest. It therefore qualifies as Vulnerable.


Range Map for Sri Lanka Wood-pigeon


The main threat is the extensive clearance and degradation of forests, particularly in the wet zone, through logging, fuelwood-collection, conversion to agriculture and tree plantations, gem mining, settlement and fire. Some protected forests continue to be degraded and suffer further fragmentation. It has also suffered reductions in food supply because of replacement of natural forests, containing fruiting trees, with monoculture plantations. Forest die-back in the montane region, perhaps a result of air pollution, is a potential threat.


It is legally protected in Sri Lanka . A moratorium was passed in 1990 to protect wet zone forests from logging. It occurs in several national parks and forest reserves, most notably Sinharaja National Heritage Wilderness Area. A survey of the biodiversity of 200 forest sites was carried out from 1991-1996.


*Conduct a comprehensive survey in order to produce management recommendations for this species in conservation forests and other protected areas. *Research its ecology, particularly seasonal movements in response to food availability. *Encourage protection of important areas of forest holding this and other threatened species, including proposals to designate conservation forests, and ensure their effective management. *Maintain the current ban on logging of wet zone forests. *Promote programmes to create awareness of the value of biological resources amongst local communities.

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